Tyler in A&E asking questions |
So not everything goes to plan and as we all know accidents happen. Tyler, Hannah, Rayna, mum and nan had all gone to the local park for the morning before they planned to go to shopping. Tyler in his typical way got a little too brave and fell off a climbing frame and fell awkwardly.
Nan helps support Tylers arm |
Straight away it was apparent that he'd hurt himself and grandad was phoned to come and see what he thought (Martin was at work). Grandad checked it out and decided to drive everyone to the Accident and Emergency ward in Chelmsford. Within an hour Tyler had been looked at and X rayed (showing he'd broken two bones near his wrist). A small pot was put on his arm to stop it from moving and another appointment made the next day so he could have a full cast put on after any swelling had gone down.
Mummy, Martin and Tyler all went back tot he hospital the next day where the Doctor looked again at Tylers arm. They then took the old cast off and put on a new full cast (see the video) and then more X-rays. The doctor was happy with everything he saw and told us the cast could be removed in about 4 weeks time (just before we fly back to Louisiana).
Has it slowed Tyler down any? Nope not in the slightest.